The tone of Insurgency: Sandstorm’s narrative shifts the typical shooter inspiration away from blockbuster military power fantasy movies more towards a dark and understated indie film rooted in reality. The text and images below are from Ī few years ago, in a familiar setting, the sandy streets of an Iraqi village. However, the single player and cooperative story has been canceled for release, and will be considered again at a later date due to its high production requirements. Sandstorm was originally supposed to feature a single-player story, in which the player is a female Kurdish freedom fighter.

Andrew Spearin, creative director Game modes "We're also adding some more interaction with the environment in terms of climbing ladders and breaching doorways, but also a team-based communication system so you're able to call in a drone strike or a supply drop."

Competitive takes place in the Firefight game mode where the main goal is to capture three objectives or eliminate the enemy team. Ranging from lowest to highest the ranks are: Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Gameplay. There are 5 tiers of ranks with each rank having 5 levels. New game modes designed for vehicle gameplay. Winning matches will advance you through the ranks.Light vehicles for transportation and fire support.