Setting this to pause would let you modify the recovery_target_time after recovery, if you need to. # recovery_target_action This is the action that needs to be performed after recovering the instance up to the recovery_target_time. (We’ll cover the procedure to archive these WALs in another blog post soon: this could be a good time to subscribe to the Percona blog mailing list!). The script connects to the backup server to fetch the WALs requested by PostgreSQL. Here is an example script for your reference. These arguments can be used in the script you use to copy your WALs. PostgreSQL sends the arguments%p (path to WAL file) and% f (WAL file name) to this shell command.

Restore_command Shell command that can be used by PostgreSQL to fetch the required Transaction Logs (WALs) for recovery. Recovery_target_inclusive = 'false' recovery_target_time Specifies the timestamp up to which you wish to recover your database. If you know that the change has been already applied on the slave, then you cannot perform the point in time recovery using this method. Diploma in mechanical engineering tamil medium books free download pdf free. The steps to perform PITR using the delayed standby through until 10:27:34 AM look like this: Steps to perform PostgreSQL Point in Time Recovery using a delayed standby Step 1 Stop the slave (delayed standby) immediately, as soon as you have noticed that an accidental change has happened.

Let’s say that you have a standby that is delayed by 1 hour. Recovery_min_apply_delay = '12h' # or '1min' or 1d' Now, let’s consider an example where you have inserted 10000 records at 10:27:34 AM and you have accidentally deleted 5000 records at 10:28:43 AM.